Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 1

I'm going to try to journal.  I'm going to try to get things out and just express myself somehow.  This first post will definetly not be perfect so please ignore any grammar or what not and whatevs.  I am only a lowly first-time amateur blogger. I have no idea how to any of this yet, but type.
Today was interesting - by the way, this may or may not be like a diary, we'll see how it goes.  I've been sick, most likely dehydrated for almost a week and then this evening my boyfriend of about three months broke up with me.  Granted that isn't a long time and we decided it was mutual and granted we never explicitly stated we were dating, but it's still tough.  I'm a freshman in college right now and because of a bad friendship last semester I was unable to get out and meet people like most freshman do.  Now, with no boyfriend and no roommate and no club meetings or buddies all I have are my classes.  Too say the least, I'm scared.
I don't want to write this blog to complain though.  While it's daunting to be alone and homesick and developing my self image in college, it's also an exciting adventure for me (or it can be if I let it).  I am getting involved and I have been for the past few weeks, even with the one relationship I did have, I saw this all coming.  I already felt alone.  Now I'm ready to begin again and define who I am and what I want to be and do and love and feel.
I've joined a volleyball team here on campus.  This is something that is really important to me.  I've played for ten years and just being able to pepper and be in the gym makes me feel so good about the track I'm on.  I love it.  It makes me so happy to block and dig and get a kill.  Maybe I could play professionally sometime in the future.  Life's all about possibilities after all.
I've gotten involved with the community service center and am applying to get a job there next semester.  I already have more activities planned by them in my calendar and I am hoping that this group will really be an outlet for my desire to help others.  It just feels so good to be there for someone and help them through things. 
The last, and arguably most important thing that is happening right now is that I am applying to study abroad next semester.  I am trying to go to Wales and study at Aberystwyth.  It's beautiful and if I make it, it would be an absolute blessing.  It is one of my goals to travel and experience international culture and I can't wait to make that dream become a reality.
So as far as this blog goes, I hope that I will end up keeping up with it.  Tonight was one of those nights where I just really needed to vent so I made this, but I do hope to be able to express myself through this in the future.  Who knows how or if but we'll see. : D

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